About Us

Faculty List





Articles in Periodicals

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
1 The Purpose of Streaming English Language Learners English Studies International Research Journal Biannual 14/11/2014

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 Teaching Language through Literature: Introducing Aspects of Literary Nonsense the IUP Journal of English Studies 01-Sep-2023 18 / 3 / 106-112

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Teaching Language through Literature: Introducing Aspects of Literary Nonsense
Name of Journal the IUP Journal of English Studies
Volume No 18
Issue No 3
Page No 106-112
URL https://iupindia.in/English_Studies.asp
Date of Publication 01-Sep-2023

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter English Literature Summit 2024: Virtual International Conference Using One-Act Plays as a Self Learning component in the English Literature Classroom 26/07/2024 International Society for Educational Leadership (USA, Australia & India) and MIT Art, Design and Technology University, Pune International
2 Seminar Participant ELT-Innovative Traditional Teaching Materialsto suit the need of 21st Century 29/06/2024 Nucleus of Learning and Development International
3 Seminar Participant Through the looking glass - the value of learner reflection and how to build it into your classroom routine 07/03/2024 Cambridge University International
4 Conference Presenter Two Day International Conference on Language and Literature-Imprints, Initiatives and Insights: Redefining Gen Z English Language Competencies and Literary Perspectives Teaching and Learning English Professionally 27/02/2024 St Joseph's College, Tiruchiappalli and Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli International
5 Conference Presenter Two Day International Conference on Literature, Digital Popular Culture and The Evolving Narrative Parallel Paths of Pain: Exploring 21st Century Trauma Narratives vis-a-vis Child-Caregiver Relationships in America and Afghanistan 08/02/2024 Christ University International
6 Conference Presenter International Conference on ?Health and Humanities: Exploring Uncharted Terrains in Literary Paradigms? Navigating Trauma: The Quest for Healing and Transformation in Contemporary American Literature featuring The Nix and The Goldfinch? 24/01/2024 Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous, Bengaluru International
7 Conference Participant International Virtual Conference for Teachers of English) 01/12/2023 MIT Art, Design and Technology University, Pune. International
8 Conference Presenter International Conference on 'Literary and Language Studies in New Millennium'. Revisiting the Character of Wednesday Addams: Reading Nonsense and Alienation in Visuals of the Post-Truth Era 09/03/2023 Loyola College, Chennai International
9 Conference Presenter International Conference on "Literary and Language Studies in the New Millennium The Effect of Scribing During English Language Examinations for Visually Impaired Learners at the Undergraduate Level: A Study 09/03/2023 Loyola College, Chennai International
10 Seminar Participant Three-day national webinar on "Content-Based Language Teaching: Implication for ESL in India" 23/02/2023 School of Distance Education, University of Kerala, and the English Language Teacher's Association of India National
11 Seminar Participant 5-Day International Webinar Series on "Enhancing Methods of Teaching, Learning, and Researching in English Language and Literature" 19/01/2023 Department of English, Sri Krishna Adithya College of Arts and Science, Tamil Nadu in collaboration with ELTAI-CIETTA International
12 Seminar Participant International Webinar on Raising the Quality of Living through Ethics and Values through Higher Education 05/03/2022 Bafakhy Yatheemkhana BEd Training College, Malappuram, Kerala International
13 Seminar Participant Instructional Design and Content Development 17/10/2021 ELTAI National
14 Seminar Participant Differentiation Instruction - Why and How 03/10/2021 ELTAI National
15 Seminar Participant Special Education Needs (SEN) Music Inclusion and Music Therapy 27/08/2021 Christ University International
16 Seminar Participant Being Independent in Academic Writing 14/08/2021 PharmaState Academy National
17 Seminar Participant Maestro Music Series 31/07/2021 Christ University National
18 Seminar Participant Ethics through Teaching English Language and Literature 23/07/2021 Madras Christian College, Chennai International
19 Seminar Participant International Webinar on New Horizons in Lingo-Literary Studies of English 02/07/2021 Sourashtra College International
20 Seminar Participant International Webinar on 'The Integration of Employability Skills into English Language Programme 24/06/2021 School of English, Kumaraguru College of Liberal Arts and Science, Coimbatore International
21 Seminar Participant Assessing Reading and Listening Online 11/06/2021 Cambridge Assessment English International
22 Seminar Participant Soft Skills: Building Tomorrow's Talent 16/05/2021 ELTAI, Chenna National
23 Seminar Participant Celebrating Bard of Avon 21/04/2021 Kumaragaru College of Liberal Arts and Science International
24 Seminar Participant Aesthetica 2021- Virtual International Conference on Reimagining the Arts and the Artists 25/01/2021 Christ University International
25 Seminar Participant International Virtual Talk Series on 'Revisiting English Language and Literature in the Digital Era 12/10/2020 Kumaraguru College of Liberal Arts and Science International
26 Seminar Participant Research Methodology 17/07/2020 Loyola College, Chennai National
27 Seminar Participant Strategies for Effective Assessing and Teaching 13/07/2020 Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru International
28 Seminar Participant Preparing Prospective Teachers for Pandemic Pedagogy 10/07/2020 Loyola College of Education, Jamshedpur National
29 Seminar Participant Teaching Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers online 07/07/2020 Cambridge Assessment English, UK International
30 Seminar Participant Bringing Vocabulary Alive in the English Classroom 04/07/2020 Oxford University Press National
31 Seminar Participant Professional Development Webinar on Attentive and Focused Listening:Some Strategies 28/06/2020 ELTAI, Chennai National
32 Seminar Participant Virtual Event for Asian Educators 23/06/2020 EduTech Virtual,Asia International
33 Seminar Participant Is Online Teaching On the Line 21/06/2020 ELTAI National
34 Seminar Participant Focus on Forum: How to Publish in English Teaching Forum 17/06/2020 ELTAI and RELO National
35 Seminar Participant Beyond Motivation:engaging students (online and offline) 16/06/2020 Cambridge Assessment English International
36 Seminar Participant Changing Roles of Teachers in a COVID-19 Afflicted World 12/06/2020 Loyola College, Williamnagar National
37 Seminar Participant Assessing Reading and Listening Online 11/06/2020 Cambridge Assessment English International
38 Seminar Participant Technology as an aid to education during Covid-19 pandemic 08/06/2020 Srinath College of Education, National
39 Seminar Participant Learning to Lead Learners Through Virtual Platform 04/06/2020 Loyola College of Education, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand National
40 Seminar Participant Teaching/Learning Strategies In Second Language Acquisition 27/05/2020 Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science International
41 Conference Presenter A National Conference on Empowering Employability with English Communication Communication for Success in Professional Spaces 08/02/2020 The Quaide Milleth College for Men National
42 Conference Presenter International Conference On Enlightenment Through English Language and Literature The Need to Enhance Communication and Interpersonal Skills as Essential Soft Skills Among Undergraduate Students 31/01/2020 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women (Autonomous) International
43 Conference Presenter International Conference on 'Transforming Lives by Kindling Creativity in Higher Education Through Academia' Using Theatre as a Creative Tool in the Language Classroom 28/02/2019 St Anne's Degree College for Women, Halasuru, Bangalore International
44 Seminar Presenter National Seminar on 'Regional, National and International Trends in Educational Research' Digital Archiving - An Experiment Explored 15/02/2019 Christ University National
45 Seminar Presenter National Seminar on Language Development and Students Achievements: Opportunities and Challenges in Educational System Incorporating and Enhancing the Speaking Skills of Degree students as a Soft Skill 14/03/2018 Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Thanjavur National
46 Conference Presenter 2nd National Level Conference on "English Language, Literature and Culture" Integrating Soft Skills with English Language Learning 09/02/2018 Kongunadu College of Engineering & Technology, Tamil Nadu National
47 Seminar Presenter Macaulay to Globalisation: Shifting Perspectives of English Classrooms in Indian Higher Education in the 21st Century An Overview of the Soft Skills of Students at the Undergraduate Level 10/11/2017 Christ University National
48 Conference Presenter Media Meet 2017 - New Media Expressions The New Way:Memes 28/07/2017 Christ University National
49 Conference Participant 3 Day National Conference on the Idea of a National University 26/07/2017 Christ University National
50 Conference Presenter 12th International and 48th Annual ELT@I Conference Jointly Organized by ELTAI and Department of English and Centre for Research St. Teresa?s College (Autonomous) Advanced Learner in the English Classroom 29/06/2017 ELTAI and Department of English and Centre for Research St. Teresa?s College (Autonomous) Park Avenue Road, Ernakulam, Kerala 68201 International
51 Conference Presenter Ability Grouping: De Facto Segregation in the Classroom - National
52 Participant Thinking Subjectivities Thinking Subjectivities - Christ University National
53 Seminar Presenter Affordable Media Technology in the ELT Classroom - National
54 Participant Communicative Competence in English Communicative Competence in English - Department of English, Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada National
55 Participant Reflective Practice in the English Classroom Reflective Practice in the English Classroom - The Loyola ELT Centre, Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada National
56 Participant Academic Staff Development: Strengthening Institut Academic Staff Development: Strengthening Institutional Links - Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC), Christ University National
57 Participant Media as a Reflection of Society Media as a Reflection of Society - Department of English, Christ University International
58 Participant Effective Classroom Communication and Teaching Ski Effective Classroom Communication and Teaching Skills - Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC), Christ University National
59 Participant Reading Indias Reading Indias - Department of English, Christ University National
60 Participant Refresher Programme on Contemporary Trends and Tra Refresher Programme on Contemporary Trends and Transitions in Humanities and Social Sciences - Christ University Academic Staff College Institutional
61 Conference Presenter Teaching-Learning - Institutional
62 Participant Strategic Planning Strategic Planning - Total Quality Management System (TQMS), Christ University, Bangalore Institutional
63 Other Presenter Health - Institutional
64 Other Presenter Connecting with Others - Institutional
65 Other Presenter Effective Communication and Reflective Listening - Institutional
66 Participant A New Social thinking for a New Socila Model- Lokk A New Social thinking for a New Socila Model- Lokking ofr Alternatives - International Federation fo Catholic Universities International
67 Conference Presenter Making Grammar Fun to Learn - National
68 Participant Making the TEaching and Learning of Grammar a Plea Making the TEaching and Learning of Grammar a Pleasure: Challenges and Solutions - ELTIS, Pune National
69 Seminar Presenter Streaming for General English Instruction - National
70 Participant English Language in Higher education: Exploring Le English Language in Higher education: Exploring Learner-Centred Approaches - Department of English, Christ University National
71 Other Presenter Srujana: Service Learning as an extension activity in English Language Teaching - Institutional
72 Participant International Seminar on Media as a reflection of International Seminar on Media as a reflection of Society - Christ University, Bangalore International
73 Participant Virtual Global Conference on Technology for Blende Virtual Global Conference on Technology for Blended and Distributed Education - CEDBEC, Christ University, Bangalore National
74 Participant National Symposium on Thinking Subjectivities National Symposium on Thinking Subjectivities - Christ University, Bangalore National
75 Participant Workshop on Teaching Spoken English Workshop on Teaching Spoken English - Centre for Training Excellence, Bangalore Regional
76 Participant National Conference on Examination Reforms in High National Conference on Examination Reforms in Higher education for Universities and Colleges - CEDBEC, Christ University, Bangalore National
77 Participant English Language Teaching Research Methodology English Language Teaching Research Methodology - Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada Regional
78 Participant UGC Sponsored International Conference on Humanist UGC Sponsored International Conference on Humanistic Approach in Modern Literature in English - Rajah Serfoji Government College, Thanjavur International
79 Conference Presenter Humanistic and Daring portrayal of Mulk Raj Anand's lead characters in 'Coolie' and 'Untouchable' - International
80 Conference Presenter Streaming English language learners as a process to Self-Directed Learning - International
81 Participant The 8th International and 44th Annual Conference o The 8th International and 44th Annual Conference on 21st Century Learners: Learning Styles and Strategies - SRM University, Chennai in association with ELTAI International
82 Seminar Presenter Voices Ignored and suppressed : Dalit literature - National
83 Seminar Presenter Reflective Approach in Classrooms: A Quality Assurance Model - National
84 Conference Presenter The Use of Effective Technology for language Teaching - National
85 Participant National Conferecne on 'Use of Technology in Lang National Conferecne on 'Use of Technology in Language Teaching and Learning (Perspectives and possibilities) - Sy Annes Degree College for Women, Halasuru, bangalore 560 008 National
86 Conference Presenter Film as a text to enhance reading skills in second language learners - National
87 Conference Presenter The Pros of Streaming English Language Learners in India - International
88 Participant International Conference on English-From Classes t International Conference on English-From Classes to Masses - ELTAI and Vivekananda Global University International
89 Conference Presenter Learner-Centered English Language teaching - National
90 Conference Presenter The Practice of Streaming English Language Learners - International
91 Seminar Presenter The Need to Incorporate Outcome Based Teaching Methods in the Education System - National
92 Participant National Seminar on Research in Education for Sust National Seminar on Research in Education for Sustainable Development - School of Education, Christ university National
93 Seminar Presenter On Becoming successful wit Academic Writing - National
94 Participant National Seminar on The Role of religion in promot National Seminar on The Role of religion in promoting Peace and Harmony: Contribution of Christianity - Christ University National
95 Seminar Presenter Being a Professional Teacher by adopting a Reflective Approach in the classroom - National
96 Participant National Seminar on 'Perspectives and Principles i National Seminar on 'Perspectives and Principles in Publishing Research Papers in ELT' - Valliammai Engineering College, Tamil Nadu National
97 Participant Leading Desirable changes in Higher Education for Leading Desirable changes in Higher Education for Higher Educational leaders - Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC) National
98 Participant Innovations in Curriculum, Teaching and Instructio Innovations in Curriculum, Teaching and Instruction for Teachers of Professional and Technical Institutions - Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC) National
99 Participant Modern Trends in English Language Teaching: Placin Modern Trends in English Language Teaching: Placing the Learners in the Spotlight - St. Joseph's Evening College, Bangalore National
100 Participant Catholic Higher Education in India: Rethinking Pu Catholic Higher Education in India: Rethinking Purpose and Context - Christ University, Bengaluru International
101 Seminar Presenter The Representation of "Dysfunctional Families" in Bollywood - National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Professional Communication Skills Skill Development Program on Communication Skills 08/11/2024 St Francis De Sales College
2 Library Etiquette and Communication Skills Library Etiquette and Communication Skills 17/05/2024 CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
3 Determining Language Proficiency Training of Trainers-2022:Becoming Effective Teachers and Trainers 22/11/2022 Loyola College, Chennai
4 Film and Media Education Film and Media Education 28/10/2022 Kailash Women's College, Nangavalli, Salem
5 Re-imagining Curriculum Design Faculty Development Programme on Reflective Practice in English Language Teaching 14/07/2022 VIT, Vellore
6 The Use of Effective Language for Professional Comunication 2 day Workshop on 'Effective Communication' conducted for the School Teacher's of Bhavan Bangalore Press School 22/12/2019 Bhavan Bangalore Press School
7 Hamlet:The Prince of Denmark Talk on 'Hamlet:The Prince of Denmark' 17/09/2018 Christ Junior College - Residential
8 Lightening Talk titled 'Stage Calling' A Two Day National Workshop on 'Training of Trainers: Becoming Effective Teachers and Trainers' 20/04/2018 Loyola College, Chennai
9 Speaking Skills Communication Skills Workshop 14/12/2017 Department of English, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore
10 Theater as a pedagogical tool A Two day National Workshop on Training of Trainers: Becoming Effective Teachers and Trainers 21/04/2017 Loyola College, Chennai
11 Effective Public Speaking Effective Public Speaking 15/12/2016 Christ University, Bengaluru
12 English Proficiency for Teachers One day Training Workshop on English Proficiency for Teachers 13/08/2016 Christ Academy, Navi, Mumbai
13 Train the Trainer workshop on University Level Note Taking Skills Train the Trainer workshop on University Level Note Taking Skills 14/07/2016 Center for Academic Professional Support (CAPS), Christ University
14 Train the Trainer workshop on Researching Skills Train the Trainer workshop on Researching Skills 11/07/2016 Center for Academic Professional Support (CAPS), Christ University
15 Developing Fluency in Spoken English Developing Fluency in Spoken English 20/04/2016 Christ University
16 Building my Career Building my Career 22/03/2016 Christ University
17 The Department of English and the activities of the Department The Path Ahead 22/03/2016 Center for Academic Professional Support (CAPS)
18 Communication Skills Training Communication Skills Training 10/02/2016 Christ University, Bangalore
19 Developing English Communication Skills 5 day workshop on 'Developing English Communication Skills' 04/05/2015 Dharmaram College
20 Enhancing English Communication Skills Enhancing English Communication Skills 29/12/2014 Dharmaram College
21 Librarian's Etiquette Librarian's Etiquette 23/12/2014 Christ University
22 Business Communication Skills Business Communication Skills 04/09/2014 RJS First Grade Degree College
23 Public Speaking Public Speaking 10/06/2014 Christ University
24 2 day Workshop on Effective Speaking in English Effective Speaking in English 26/12/2013 Dharmaram College
25 Speaking in English Effectively Speaking in English Effectively 26/12/2013 Dharmaram College, Bangalore
26 Communicative English Classes for Korean Students Communicative English Classes for Korean Students 01/09/2013 Christ University
27 Intensive English Language Course Intensive English Language Course 19/03/2012 Christ University
28 Intensive English Language Course Intensive English Language Course 19/03/2011 Christ University
29 Effective Speaking and Creative Writing in English Effective Speaking and Creative Writing in English 01/10/2010 Dharmaram College
30 60 hours Training on Effective Speaking and Creative Writing in English Effective Speaking and Creative Writing in English 02/08/2010 Dharmaram College
31 The Role of Literature in Journalism Panel Discussion on the Role of Literature in Journalism 20/09/2007 Christ College, (Autonomous)

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
2 An Experimental Study of English Language Pedagogies to Enhance Speaking Skills of Middle School Visually Impaired Students in Central Kerala FEBINI M JOSEPH Christ University July 2022
3 American Literature ANANYA CHAND Christ University July 2022
4 Nonsense as Resistance:Alienation and Defamiliarization as Artistic Truth in a Post-Truth Digital World GARIMA MUKHERJEE Christ University January 2023
5 . JOCHAN J Christ University August 2023

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 The Art of Storytelling IESE Business School, University of Navarra International 01/12/2024
2 Google AI Essentials Google International 01/11/2024
3 Online Research Tools and Techniques SSVPS's BNS Patil Arts and MFMA Commerce College, Deopur Dhule, Maharashtra National 19/09/2024
4 International Faculty Development Program on Foresights into English Language Teaching and Research Department of English, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai International 09/09/2024
5 Human Engineering for Psychological Well-Being Department of Psychology, St. Joseph's College, Tiruchirapalli International 09/09/2024
6 Three Day National Level Workshop on Research Methodology Department of English, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru National 28/08/2024
7 Empowering Educators in Data Analysis in Using Excel: Hands on Experience Gokul Global University, Siddhpur, Gujarat National 26/08/2024
8 Understanding the Basics of Qualitative Research in Social Sciences Gokul Global University, Siddhpur, Gujarat National 15/07/2024
9 PowerPoint Using AI and CHATGPT Skill Nation National 13/07/2024
10 Animation Tools KAPI Women College of Education, Madurai in collaboration with Acumen Foundation and Seva Academy International 25/06/2024
11 Teaching Content Writing for the Web World Gokul Global University, Gujarat in collaboration with Nucleus of Learning and Development (NLD) National 17/06/2024
12 Dynamics of Literature Teaching: A Gateway to the Development of 21st Century Skills Nucleus of Learning and Development in Collaboration with Gokul Global University National 11/06/2024
13 Reflexive Humanities Samyukta Research Foundation National 07/06/2024
14 Empowering Educators: The Crucial Role of Technology in Today's Classrooms Nucleus of Learning and Development in Collaboration with Gokul Global University National 31/05/2024
15 ?Scaffolding Adult Learning Through Learner-Centered Approach Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC) Institutional 26/02/2024
16 Three-Day Online Faculty Development Programme on ?Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning the English Language Anna University & Sri S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College, Sattur National 14/12/2023
17 Leadership Workshop Christ University Higher Education Leadership Institute Institutional 01/12/2023
18 International Online FDP on "Preparing Teachers for Artificial Intelligence Driven Education" ELTAI Thoothukodi Chapter and IQAC, Annamal College of Education for Women and Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC), CHRIST (Deemed to be University) International 06/11/2023
19 Preparing Teachers for Artificial Intelligence Driven Education ELTAI Toothokoodi Chapter and IQAC Annammal College of Eduation for Women, Toothukoodi,and Center for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC), CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore International 06/11/2023
20 Truth Seekers: In Pursuit of a Media-Literate World Centre for Research Praxis and The Department of Media Studies Institutional 13/10/2023
21 National Level Short Term course on, "The Art of Storytelling" Gokul Global University, Career Development Cell National 04/09/2023
22 Inkfluence-Essay Writing Competition Department of English and Cultural Studies, CHRIST ( Deemed to be University), Bangalore Institutional 01/09/2023
23 One Day Workshop on 'A Dynamic Approach to Language Teaching' St Joseph's College, Tiruchirappali Regional 08/03/2023
24 5 Day Faculty Development Program on Curriculum Design and Revision CHRIST University Institutional 05/12/2022
25 Three Day International Virtual Workshop on Soft Skills and Effective Classroom Management Lavender Literary Club, India, Cape Comorin Trust, India, Malasian Industrial Relations and Human Resource Association, Malasia International 02/10/2022
26 Workshop on the Practice of OBE Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell, CHRIST University Institutional 13/08/2022
27 Faculty Development Programme on Reflective Practice in the English Language Teaching Department of English, School of Social Science and Humanities, National 14/07/2022
28 One day Online Faculty Development Programme on the topic "Curriculum Design and Development". Th Department of English, VIT Vellore National 14/07/2022
29 Faculty Development Programme I - 2022 Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC) and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore Institutional 06/07/2022
30 Faculty Development Programme on Accreditation Framework IQAC, Christ Nagar College, Maranalloor National 31/08/2021
31 International Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on ?The Art of Doing Research? Jyothi Engineering College, Thrissur, India, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India and Pelita Bangsa University, Indonesia International 12/07/2021
32 Ultimate Secrets to Quickly get your Research Paper Published Aristocrat IT Solutions PvT Ltd. National 10/07/2021
33 Faculty Development Programme 1 Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC) and Human Resource Development Cell (HRDC) Institutional 16/06/2021
34 Quality Improvement Program of Hybrid Teaching Staff Development College, Christ University 02/03/2021
35 FDP on Pandemic Pedagogy Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering National 13/02/2021
36 FDP on Pandemic Pedagogy: Journey of a Non Native English Teacher Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering National 13/02/2021
37 Learning to Collaborate: Opening up the Exam / General English Divide Cambridge International 07/10/2020
38 Effective Teaching for the Next Generation Department of Management Studies and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) International 27/07/2020
39 Create a Resume and Cover Letter with Google Docs Coursera Project Network International 13/07/2020
40 Microsoft Teams 30M Training, powered by Department of Media Studies & IT Services, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 10/07/2020
41 Faculty Enrichment Live Webinar:Addressing Core Issues in Teaching St Anthony's College, Shillong National 30/06/2020
42 4 days National Online Faculty Development Program (FDP) & Management Development Program (MDP) on Academic Enhancement on Research Methodology Inspira Research Association (IRA), Jaipur National 26/06/2020
43 Getting Started with Essay Writing UCI Divison of Continuing Education International 22/06/2020
44 Speaking at C1 and C2 Cambridge Assessment English International 18/06/2020
45 National Level Webinar & Faculty Development Programme on 'English Studies in the New Millenium:Adapting to New Texts and New Perspectives Maris Stella College, Vijayawada National 11/06/2020
46 Presentation Skills:Designing Presentation Slides Tomsk State University International 25/05/2020
47 Presentation Skills:Effective Presentation Delivery Coursera,Tomsk State University and Christ University International 24/05/2020
48 Inspiring and Motivating Individuals Coursera.org International 24/05/2020
49 Learning to Teach Online Coursera,UNSW, Sydney and Christ University International 17/05/2020
50 Creative Writing:The Craft of Plot Wesleyan university International 03/05/2020
51 Professional English Program Department of English and Cultural Studies, CHRIST ( Deemed to be University), Bangalore Regional 01/05/2020
52 Grammar and Punctuation University of California, Irvine International 12/04/2020
53 Quality Improvement Program on Establishing Research as a Culture and Capacity Building for Consultancy Academic Staff College, CHRIST (Deemed to be Universty) 20/05/2019
54 Intensive Workshop on Case Teaching, Writing and Research Christ Institute of Management, Lavasa, Pune Institutional 12/01/2019
55 Integration of Rubric in Google Classroom 30M Training, powered by Department of Media Studies & IT Services, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 27/11/2018
56 Training on Integration of Rubric in Google Classroom 30M Training, and powered by Media Studies & IT Services -CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore Institutional 27/11/2018
57 Google Classroom 30M Training, powered by Department of Media Studies & IT Services, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 20/11/2018
58 Training on Google Classroom 30M Training, and powered by Media Studies & IT Services -CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore Institutional 20/11/2018
59 National Workshop on Data Analysis using MS EXCEL Centre for Advanced Research and Training (CART), CHRIST (Deemed to be University) National 25/10/2018
60 State Level Workshop on 'Student Centric Approaches to Teacing-Learning' School of Education, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Regional 22/09/2018
61 A Two Day National Workshop on 'Training of Trainers: Becoming Effective Teachers and Trainers' Loyola College, Chennai National 20/04/2018
62 State Level Workshop on Research Methods and Academic Writing Sastra University, Srinivasa Ramanujan Centre, Kumbakonam Regional 09/09/2017
63 One Day National Workshop on "How to Write Effective Research Papers for Conferences and journals & Research Proposals for Funding Agencies Kongu Engineering College, Department of English National 23/09/2016
64 APA Style, Elements of Writing and Publication Ethics Center for Research Institutional 29/08/2016
65 Training Sessions for PhD Supervisors and Scholars Center for Research Institutional 18/07/2016
66 Conducted Orientation Programme for MA English with Communication Studies students Department of English 09/06/2016
67 Quality Improvement Program on Research and Publication Academic Staff College, Christ University 23/05/2016
68 Conducted a Workshop on English Language Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Pontifical Athenaeum of Philosophy, Theology and Canon Law, Bengaluru National 09/05/2016
69 One Day Workshop on Academic Writing in Refereed Journals and Emerging Trends in Research in English Literature and ELT VIT University, Chennai National 10/03/2016
70 Natioanl Level Workshop on ' Solutions for Challenges In Doing Research' Periyar Manniammai University, Thanjavur National 19/02/2016
71 Gendering Moving Frames Department of English, Christ University and Suchitra Film Society Regional 09/01/2016
72 Writing of Research proposals, Thesis, Reports and Papers Christ university Nodal Office, Thiruvananthapuram National 25/09/2015
73 Next Generation Teachers School of Education, Christ University, Bangalore Regional 19/09/2015
74 ERP Into Session on SAP (R/3) Centre of Excellence for Enterprise Resource Planning,Periyar Maniammai University, Thankjavur Institutional 12/09/2015
75 Conducted Orientation Programme for MA English with Communication Studies students Department of English 17/06/2015
76 English Language and Literature in India:Approaches, Themes and Concerns Acsdemic Staff College, Christ University 22/05/2015
77 Routledge Editorial Workshop Taylor & Francis India Institutional 25/09/2014
78 Conducted Orientation Programme for MA English with Communication Studies students Department of English 17/06/2014
79 Research Concerns and Methods in Contemporary English Studies Academic Staff College and Department of English Institutional 18/03/2014
80 Corpus Department of English Institutional 26/02/2014
81 Developing Learner-Centered Curriculum Department of English Institutional 18/01/2014
82 A Guide to getting Published Emerald Literati Network Institutional 17/09/2012
83 Towards Quality Research Department of English, Christ University Institutional 18/08/2012
84 Holistic Training Programme Total Quality Management System (TQMS), Christ University Institutional 02/06/2012
85 Teaching Spoken English Centre for Training Excellence National 01/02/2008
86 Teaching Challenges for New Teachers Centre for Education Beyond Curricumlum (CEDBEC), Christ University Institutional 24/01/2008
87 Facilitator Certification in Human Resource Development College for Leadership and HRD, AIMS INSIGHTS National 13/05/2007
88 Holistic Training Programme: civic Sense and Civil Society Total Quality Management System (TQMS), Christ University Institutional 02/06/2006


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 A X George and Claramma George Memorial Medal Proficiency in M A English Literature Loyola College, Chennai March, 2001
2 First Rank in M A English Literature First Rank in M A English Literature Loyola College, Chennai March, 2002
3 Auditor Auditing the English Teachers Christ Academy 04 November 2015
4 Award of Appreciation in recognition of publication of a research article and thereby contribution in pursuance of the Vision and mission of the University Christ University December 2015
5 Host for Bangalore Spell Bee Host for the Bangalore Spell Bee Competition organised by Finesse Entertainment Finesse Entertainment October 2013
6 English Language Teachers' Association of India (ELTAI) member Member of the English Language Teachers' Association of India (ELTAI). Membership English Language Teachers' Association of India (ELTAI) June 2016
7 Organised Jabberwocky 2017 Annual inter-collegiate fest conducted by the Department of English Department fo English, Christ University 28 August 2017
8 Facilitator Facilitator for a Workshop on Communication Skills for Government Schools Teachers in Karnataka Department of English, Christ University in association with India Literacy Project 14 December 2017
9 Organiser of Jabberwocky 2016 Organised the Annual carnival for the Department of English 'Jabberwocky 2016' Department of English, Christ University, Bengaluru - 29 17 August 2016
10 Launch of the Student Incubation Cell The Student Incubation Cell is hosted by the Department of English, CHRIST (Deemed to be University). Mandava Science Foundation 04 January 2019
11 Organising team Organising team at the National Conference on 'Extending Postcolonialism: Living in an age of Precariousness and Precarity Department of English, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 04 February 2019
12 Chaired a session Chaired a paper presentation session at the International Conference on 'Enlightenment Through English Language and Literature' Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science For Women, Perambalur 31 January 2020
13 Member of CHRIST University ELT@I Chapter Member of CHRIST University ELT@I Chapter CHRIST (Deemed to be University0, Bangalore 21 April 2022
14 Best Paper Award The award was for 'Best Paper Presentation' in the faculty category who presented papers at the 2 day International Conference on Language and Literature-Imprints, Initiatives and Insights:Redefining Gen Z English Language Competencies and Literary Perspectives St Jospeh' College,Tiruchirappali and Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappali in association with ELT@I 28 February 2024
15 Best Paper Award (2nd) The second place was awarded for the paper presented at the international conference International Society for Educational Leadership (USA, Australia & India) and MIT Art, Design and Technology University, Pune 27 July 2024
16 Chaired a Session Chaired a session International Society for Educational Leadership (USA, Australia & India) and MIT Art, Design and Technology University, Pune 26 July 2024
17 Certified Outbound Trainer I have been recognized and certified as an Outbound Trainer Life Academy, Chennai 02 February 2025

Copyright © CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 2020